
When I was led to Dr. Huba Papp I felt like he saved my life. I have been to many dentists and spend so much money but always felt like my teeth and health were continuing to deteriorate.

As soon as I walked into Dr. Papp’s office I felt like I had come home. I felt safe because he absolutely knew what was going on with me and my teeth and how they were affecting my physical body. I have never met a dentist that is as knowledgeable as Dr. Papp. He has a great understanding of how the teeth effect the physical body. I had researched a little so knew the work that was being done before was not what I needed but could not get a dentist to listen to me.

Dr. Papp listened to me intently and knew immediately what my problems were. He is very kind and humble and such a gift because he is also a homeopathic Dr. After x-rays he could see that my bite was off which was causing health problems for me. After removing my old amalgam from under an old bridge, he built a new bridge with no metal which is what I was always trying to get other dentists to do because of my sensitivity to metal. He did it the way that I had researched that it should be done and also gave me homeopathic treatments in between all of the procedures.

I knew that I needed the old bridge removed but was afraid to do it because I didn't want the mercury to down load into my system. After Dr. Papp removed the amalgam {mercury} from my teeth he put me on a homeopathic cleanse to remove the metals from my systems. I have been sick for years and had constant allergies. I always had a kleenex because my nose was always dripping. That is totally gone.

Health wise, I feel better than I had ever felt in my life. From fixing my bite my back is no longer going out all of the time. I am an American and was in Sweden when a friend of mine told me she had heard of a fantastic dentist in Budapest. I had to go all of the way from America to Budapest to find the great help that I needed and was given to me. She immediately contacted him for me and I feel so fortunate that I was able to book a time with him. Because of his expertise, he is a highly recommended dentist and busy. I felt like God opened the door for me to see him after years of health problems with my teeth.

I have never met a dentist that is as knowledgeable, humble, and caring as Dr. Papp. I call him the Guru of dentists. Anyone that is fortunate enough to be able to see Dr. Papp is truly being given a great gift that will change their health and life forever. Thank you so much Dr. Huba Papp for opening your schedule to see me and for giving me my health joy, and freedom back. I always knew that this is the way I should feel.

Many blessings to you, 
Michelle Phillips (USA)

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